Cosmetic Dentistry – Bright Smiles

This Blog was posted by Clearview Dental -Your Cosmetic Dental Clinic Milton, Ontario

Now Everyone Can Enjoy the Smile of Their Dreams!

Modern dental science has created a cornucopia of cosmetic wonders. For example, tooth whitening is possible by numerous methods and has become a safe, predictable procedure. A new product called Go-Smile can whiten teeth several shades by simply rubbing the material on one’s teeth twice daily for a week. Go-Smile is a safe, effective, comfortable, and inexpensive ($89 in our office) way to quickly enhance one’s smile.

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Bonding is the art of employing a dental resin to change the shape and color of teeth without numbing shots or drilling of tooth structure being required. For two decades dentists have been able to repair fractured teeth, close unsightly spaces between teeth, make rotated teeth appear straight and countless other cosmetic wonders thanks to these marvelous materials that bond so tenaciously to tooth structure.

Veneers are thin layers of durable porcelain (less than a millimeter in thickness), that are three times stronger than enamel. Veneers are bonded over teeth to create whatever tooth shape or shade is desired. With the assistance of veneers, we can straighten crooked teeth, close gaps, and permanently lighten one’s smile. Within three weeks’ time (one appointment is needed to shape the teeth and take a model of them, a second to insert the veneers after a dental laboratory has fabricated them), veneers can create a cosmetic dental miracle that is sometimes referred to as “instant orthodontics.”

All-ceramic crowns repair teeth weakened by decay or fillings. Due to a filled or fractured tooth’s more vulnerable condition, more tooth structure must be removed than is needed for veneers. But all-ceramic crowns contain no metal, so they look naturally wonderful in any light. Never again need darkness around the gumline revealing the presence of existing crowns.

Valplast partial dentures have no metal clasps or frame. They are made entirely of a durable resin guaranteed by the company for life. They are incredibly light, flexible, and almost undetectable in a wearer’s mouth. They require no more work or expense than conventional metal-frame partials do to fabricate.

Cosmetic dentistry has something for every need and for every patient. Smile makeovers are no longer the exclusive right of the ultra-rich or movie stars. Today it is possible for everyone to have the smile of their dreams!

Healthy Gums for Healthy Babies
Our children are our future, so enlightened individuals and/or societies do everything possible to protect this most precious asset. But even in our affluent United States 12.3% of children are born preterm. According to an article published in the Journal Pediatrics, preterm infants are 75 times more likely to experience an early death. Long-term disabilities for surviving preterm children include lung abnormalities (such as asthma), cerebral palsy, neurological and developmental disabilities (such as low I.Q. and poor motor skills). Not surprisingly, surviving preterm children’s medical costs over their first five years of life average $20,000 greater than non-preterm children’s expenses.

There are many causes for preterm births, such as tobacco, alcohol, and drug use by the mother, mothers under the age of 18 or over 35, being underweight or overweight before pregnancy, and low socioeconomic status. But a less well-known and preventable risk has been identified over the past decade. This is an infection of the genitourinary tract called ‘ bacterial vaginitis. ‘ This condition leads to an inflammation of the maternal-fetus membranes (called chorioamnionitis) that may initiate preterm labor, or rupture of the involved membranes.

This inflammatory state has been linked to periodontal disease in mothers. A pregnant woman with active gum infections has been shown to experience 7.5 times, more adverse pregnancy outcomes than periodontally healthy mothers.

Studies have shown no risk to the fetus or mother if dental care is offered during the second or third trimester, but the ideal situation is to establish exemplary dental health before becoming pregnant!

If you are pregnant and have sore or bleeding gums, please seek the help of a dental professional. In addition to the risks detailed above, pregnancy gingivitis can become painful, and hamper one’s ability to eat and even sleep properly at this critical time in a mother’s and fetus’ life. If you are considering having a child, I’d urge you to be certain you have attained ideal oral health before conception. This is a marvelous gift, for you and your baby.

Teeth Whitening
The patient had moderate staining on the upper teeth. Pre-treated with whitening trays and patient had one-hour in-office whitening. Whiter teeth by 8 shades!

The patient had moderate staining and decay. She received five porcelain veneers to complete this beautiful new smile.

Bonding/White Filling
Removal of amalgam/silver fillings and replacement with natural tooth-colored fillings.

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How Much Are Clear Braces?

This Blog was posted by Clearview Dental – Family Dentistry in Milton, Ontario

How Much Are Clear Braces?

People often ask “How much does Invisalign cost” , well before we get to that let us tell you a bit more about Invisalign. Invisalign is an effective alternative to the traditional metal braces used by orthodontists and dentists to treat deformities in teeth. Unlike metal braces which are painful, dark, awkward looking and non-removable, the Invisalign braces are clear and removable making it a much better option. Since teeth aligning using metal braces are dreaded by many people due to the painful process it involves, using Invisalign would be more comforting because it is easy to use and less painful. Also it does not compromise their looks since Invisalign braces are almost non-detectable. But despite its obvious advantages, the cost of the Invisalign treatment could turn people to go back to metal braces and that is why many people wonder how much does Invisalign cost.

This revolutionary design which changed the way people looked at aligning teeth was designed in the labs of the Santa-Clara based Align Technology which specializes in medical devices. According to reports, nearly 7,300,000 people have already used Invisalign Treatment or are currently under treatment. Though revolutionary, the cost of the Invisalign treatment is high when compared to traditional metal braces. One of the reasons for the high cost is that dentists and Orthodontists have to undergo special training before they start practicing and of course is why many people wonder how much does Invisalign cost.

How Invisalign treatment works?

The treatment uses a custom made series of aligners created for the patient. The material used for making braces is a smooth, clear and almost invisible plastic. The patient needs to wear the braces over the teeth as directed by their dentist. The braces will make the teeth shift according to the dentist’s plan. The braces need to be replaced once every two weeks until the treatment is complete. This of course adds to the expensive of them and why so many people wonder how much does Invisalign cost.

The cost of the Invisalign treatment depends on the dentist or the Orthodontist that you choose for treatment. There is no for fixed price for the Invisalign treatment but in US usually the prices vary between $ 3000 and $ 9000. So how much does Invisalign cost, well it could be high or low depending on your location. Also the cost is dependent up on how complex the case is and how long the treatment would last.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost Elsewhere?

The cost of the Invisalign ranges from $ 3000 to $ 7000 in Europe and $5000 to $8000 in the US

Effectiveness of Invisalign Treatment

There were several studies conducted over the years to verify the effectiveness of the Invisalign treatment which concluded that if not better, the Invisalign was as efficient as the traditional metal braces.

Advantages and Disadvantages

One of the most obvious and important advantages of Invisalign is cosmetic. Since they are made of transparent plastic Invisalign are far more difficult to detect than braces made of wire and brackets. Its removable nature allows the person to consume food without difficulty an oral hygiene can be kept effectively. Invisalign puts less pressure on the gums and it is a less painful way of straightening teeth. invisalign treatment san antonio

One of the biggest disadvantages is the cost of the Invisalign treatment. People often wonder how much does Invisalign cost and the actual cost of the Invisalign could be a turn off for many people. The Align Company has conceded that in some people, there could be allergic reactions to the Invisalign braces although these cases are very rare. Hopefully this article has provided you with the answers that you were looking for and you no longer have to wonder
how much does Invisalign cost.

If you would like specific information on how much does Invisalign cost in your location then simply contact us and we will find out for you.

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Cosmetic Dentistry – Dental Bridges

This Blog was posted by Clearview Dental – Family Dentistry in Milton, Ontario

Cosmetic Dentistry – Dental Bridges

A typical dental bridge has three parts consisting of a false tooth and two crowns. The crowns are glued on to the neighboring teeth so as to hold it in space.

What Type Of Patients Can Get A Bridge?

Dental bridges are suitable for people with missing teeth and willingness to follow a good oral hygiene regimen. Bridge is the best remedy for people to cover up the space left out due to tooth loss. If this space is left empty, the neighboring teeth are prone to move in to that spot. This can eventually cause worsening of teeth decay or gum problems in this region. The varied positive benefits of dental bridges include aligning the proper bite, improve speech, improve chewing ability, provide better facial appearance, delay signs of aging (like wrinkles) etc.For more information click here
What Are The Different Types Of Bridges Available?

Resin bonded bridges (also known as Mary land bridges) are used mostly for front teeth. These bridges work the best when the neighboring teeth are comparatively healthier without much filling. The false teeth is fixed on to metal bands and are set on to the neighboring teeth with the help of resin cement and camouflaged from view. In this method, the neighboring teeth need not be scraped and finished much to make it ready for the procedure.

In cases where there are no teeth on one side of the missing tooth, a cantilever bridge can be used so as to set it in space on to one or more of the existing neighboring teeth. If there are no neighboring teeth at all, a metal post can be
embedded surgically on to the bone and then a crown can be set on to it. In certain situations, if the span is longer, a removable partial denture or an implant-based prosthesis can be used.

What Are The Steps Involved In A Dental Bridge Fabrication?

In case of a standard fixed bridge, the dentist is going to resize the neighboring teeth so that it can anchor the false tooth in place. From the tooth impressions measured, he will create the false tooth and its support framework. The finished bridge will be set in place during the second appointment. Usually the procedure takes around a week’s time based on the nature of the bridge chosen. This estimated time frame can be delayed in certain people due to the
difficulty in matching the exact tooth shade.

How Do I Take Good Care Of Dental Bridges?

A good oral hygiene routine involving regular brushing, flossing and dentist appointments is very important for safekeeping of bridges. If food particles are left on the teeth, they may cause bacterial activity that can lead to tooth
decay, gum problems or even damage to the dental bridge. Floss threaders are the best tool to get rid of bacteria hiding around the teeth, gum and crown. The metallic or porcelain part of the crown is not going to be affected by tooth
decay. But the natural tooth on the bottom can be affected. If you stick to a strict dental care regimen, your dental bridge is going to last for a lot of years.

Additional Suggestions And Preventive Measures

Adjustment period: You may feel a bit awkward about the bridge during the initial few days. This will only last until the bridge and teeth familiarize about each other and the change in surroundings.

Preventive Methods: If you stick to the following instructions, you can assure that the bridge is going to last a long time without any tooth decay or similar problems:

Make sure that you regularly brush your teeth after every meal and before hitting bed. Use a soft toothbrush or an electric toothbrush and clean the area where the bridge meets the gum. As this area is the favorite of germs to hide,
it would be better to use an electric brush to clean the area properly.

Make a habit of flossing at least once and preferably twice a day. Remove any plaque build up around the bridge using a floss threader or a proxy brush or an automatic flosser. It is really important to clean the bottom of the bridge and
the sides too. If you do not keep the food particle accumulation or plaque build up, you may face problems like tooth-decay or gum problems.

Always fluoride rinse before you sleep. Thoroughly rinse your mouth for at least a minute of time. Spit the rinse out and do not consume any food for the next half an hour.

Clean thoroughly between the teeth with the help of an inter-dental brush.

Chewing: Avoid biting on to hard food products for the first 24 hours after getting the bridge set in place. This is the time the cement needs to set properly.

Reduce junk food. If you consume sugary drinks, brush thoroughly and rinse away properly.

Sensitivity: You may feel overly sensitive to hot or cold food items for a few weeks. Except for a few people who may take up more than six weeks for this to go away, the rest will lose this sensitivity in a few weeks time.

Aftercare: Lack of proper follow up care and examination is the most common reason for the failure of dental bridges. Make sure your dentist examines you once in every six months. An expert dentist will be able to notice any or all
new infections breeding on or near the bridges and take corrective measures in time and for a much reduced cost. In case you notice the problem too late, you may be forced to redo the whole exercise at a much higher cost.

Problems: You may face these problems. The restored teeth may be hitting first whenever you bite. This needs realignment by your dentist. You may feel overly sensitive to sweet items or application of pressure, your may feel that the bridge is moving a little bit, you may find a different taste at the bridge area and a part of the bridge can fall off. If any of these conditions arise, check immediately with your dentist for clarifications.

Preventive Dentistry is one of the best forms of oral and dental hygiene.

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